2023 ABM

Special Rules of Order

Section 1. Debate

A. Moving the previous question(s) aka motion to call the question shall only be in order if there has been at least one speaker for and against the current motion.

B. Speakers debating for and against a motion shall alternate if both are present.

C. At least one microphone shall be offered for those who wish to speak in favor of the motions and at least one separate microphone shall be offered for those who wish to speak against. If multiple microphones are not available, speakers shall alternate at the same microphone. 

D. The original mover or a designated substitute shall have the opportunity to speak first in favor of the motion.

E. Debate shall be limited to 3 minutes per speaker per instance, up to two instances per motion.

Robert’s Rules of Order Relevant Provisions


3:4 (Page 19) In the meetings of a convention, unless the bylaws of the organization provide otherwise,the quorum is a majority of the delegates who have been registered at the convention as in attendance, irrespective of whether some may have departed.