Motion to Delete the DALs

Mover: Timothy Crosby

To strike “three (3) Directors-at-Large” from the first sentence of Article III, Section 2 of the LPF Constitution so that it will now read as follows:

“Section 2. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Officers, one (1) Regional Representative for each region elected at the Annual Business Meeting within the provision of the Bylaws.”

To strike “numbered Directors-at-large” and “and even numbered Directors-at-large” from the first paragraph of Article III, Section 3 of the LPF Constitution so that it will now read as follows:

““Election of Executive Committee. The Chair [and] Vice-Chair shall be elected in odd numbered years or in the case of a vacancy. The Secretary [and] Treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years or in the case of a vacancy.”

To strike “each Director at large in order of their seat number shall preside. If all offices and Directors at large are vacant” from the third and fourth sentence of Article III, Section 3, Sub-section B of the LPF Constitution so that it will now read as follows:

“B. The officers shall be ranked, in order, as follows: the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. The highest ranked remaining officer shall preside over the LPF and its meetings. If all offices are vacant, the Regional Representatives shall elect a chairperson pro-tempore from their ranks to fill offices as described below.”

To strike the following sentence in it’s entirety from Article III, Section 4, Sub-section A of the LPF Constitution:

“The Directors-at-Large have a primary obligation of fiduciary duty in this regard.”

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